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Remote Video Surveillance


Remote Video Surveillance

Revolutionary Technology for Health Care Surveillance

Dearth of human resources combined with perennial hectic activities involved in medical practices have driven home the need to develop an effective yet economical way to monitor all equipment, processes, and persons for better care delivery and patient safety. Technology has come up with an efficient system of observing and checking the various factors in hospital setting through the use of video cameras.

How Video Surveillance Helps Medical Practices

Visuals provide absolutely perfect track of all vital processes in real time, enabling health facilities to respond remotepromptly to the needs of patients and deliver the best possible care. Video surveillance, used as an effective tool in the modern health care scenario, is not only capable of providing real time visual evidence of any eventuality but also increasing security and helping control costs.

Significance of Remote Video Surveillance

Keeping watch continuously over patients and equipments necessitates skilled and experienced professionals. A lot of time and effort can be saved by putting in place a reliable video surveillance system that records, displays, and stores such vital elements and can be remotely monitored and controlled. By fixing video cameras at proper vantage points, it becomes possible for trained persons to track activities spread over different places simultaneously, in an efficient and responsive manner. This offers close observation of patients and devices while not compromising on safety.

Features of Remote Video Surveillance

  • Tailor-made to suit practice-specific needs
  • Safety and Health standards can be maintained
  • Multiple-point camera installation with single control possible
  • Notification with voice, text, and video alerts
  • Integration with Paging and Nurse-calling system

Benefits of Remote Video Surveillance System

  • Overall Safety & Security is increased
  • Dishonest Claims can be prevented
  • Productivity is increased
  • Remote Monitoring Feature from anywhere
  • Provides reliable evidence for investigations and legal issues
  • Issues among staff and employees can be resolved effectively
  • Digital Storage helps saving and reviewing data as and when required

With growing demand for trained and skilled personnel and increasing number of needy elders and patients, remote video surveillance system proves to be a boon for medical industry in taking care of individuals efficiently.

A prudently developed video surveillance system that offers remote observation helps in cutting care costs while enabling providers to deliver patient care with high quality. Working round the clock, this system assists in achieving operational efficiency and empowers health facilities to face crises effectively.