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Transcription Services

ByNumina Transcription

Managing and Treating Hearing Loss in Senior Citizens

One of the most common health issues among the elderly people, hearing loss is distinct among people aged between 65 and 74 across the world. Nearly half of the people older than 75 years are faced with this problem. Audiology specialists, managing the hearing – related diseases and conditions in the elderly people, are normally full with appointments. This necessitates them partnering with reliable third-party transcription service providers for ensuring accurate clinical documentation.

Facts and Fundamentals of Hearing Loss
Hearing loss is one frustrating condition that causes trouble in hearing others in conversations. This causes embarrassment and various hardships. Audiologists are medical specialists focusing on prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of hearing loss.

There are several reasons for people losing hearing power. Most people start losing their hearing as their age increases. Old age hearing loss is known as presbycusis that occurs gradually and is very common among the elderly people. It is not known why this condition affects only a portion of the aged people.

Treatment Possibilities for Hearing Loss
Depending on factors such as severity of the hearing loss and age, treatment varies. Hearing assistive devices are the effective way to help aged people manage hearing loss. The following are the common treatments available for tackling hearing loss problem:

 Hearing Aids
o Wearable in or behind the ears, these electronic devices help in improving the general hearing of those affected
 Assistive Listening Devices
o This type of amplifying devices can be used for increasing the volume on telephones and cell phones

How to Identify Hearing Loss Problem?
People with a doubt about their own hearing power may self-examine to arrive at the decision of whether or not to go for consultation with audiologists. The following are the criteria for judging this:
 Need for turning up the volume on television or radio since not being able to hear well
 Getting embarrassed due to struggling in hearing when you meet new people
 Feeling limited or restricted in social situations as a result of not being able to make out what others say
 Getting a feeling of being limited in personal and social life because of hearing challenges
 Being told constantly to lower your voice by family members and friends as you speak loudly

Audiology specialty in medicine is mostly busy with the need to manage the hearing power of several aged people. This necessitates the specialists and practices to look for assistance to document their patient information and reports.

Numinatrans has been providing efficient and timely medical transcription solutions to all types of medical specialties since over a decade. If you are an audiology specialist or audiology practice seeking reliable transcription service, you may approach us. Visit our website www.numinatrans.com for further details about how you may partner with us.

ByNumina Transcription

Practical Benefits of Medical Transcription Services

Having become a big cost and resource saver for medical professionals and health care facilities, medical transcription is one of the vital elements in health care delivery in the modern health care industry. Demand for care quality has been increasing and providers’ reimbursement for medical services provided has undergone huge change. All these necessitate medical practices to delegate their transcription tasks to efficient medical transcription companies.

What Makes Outsourcing Medical Transcription Tick?
Medical professionals—especially physicians and specialists who are directly involved in patient health management—are required to handle clinical documentation process apart from providing care. To be able to reap the benefits of text-based documentation by just dictating their patient reports through voice, these busy professionals require the assistance of trained and skilled medical transcriptionists.

Common Data Transcribed by Professional Medical Transcription Companies

 Medical history and physicals
 Operative reports
 Discharge summaries
 Consultation and administration communication
 Lab and radiology reports

Advantages of Availing Medical Transcription Solutions from Professional Transcriptionists

 Accurate and quick recall of critical information: It takes a lot of experience and expertise to understand medical professionals’ spoken word and convert it into text perfectly – apart from being able to listen and type well, transcriptionists are expected to have knowledge in medical terminology and various procedures involved. Here’s where skilled medical transcriptionists play a vital role.

 Timely access to critical medical information: accurate and reliable transcripts presented in the digital form enable easy and quick sharing among different providers or facilities, thus improving the chances of providing prompt and better care.

 Time and efforts are saved: busy medical professionals are freed from their computers and are enabled to focus better on their primary function of providing care – they are able to meet more number of patients.

Numina Transcription Services, Inc. has been offering accurate and timely medical transcription solutions to global health care facilities and medical professionals since more than a decade. Logon to www.numinatrans.com for further details.